Tag: Hungarian

Hungarian creamed spinach with garlic

Hungarian creamed spinach with garlic

Hungarian creamed spinach with garlic (“spenót főzelék” or simply just “spenót”) is a traditional, easy and delicious spinach dish. What is “főzelék”? “Főzelék” is a special meal category in Hungarian cuisine, that has not even have an actual English translation. It is a kind of 

Traditional Hungarian Gulyás (Goulash) Soup with Homemade Noodles

Traditional Hungarian Gulyás (Goulash) Soup with Homemade Noodles

Hungarian gulyás (GOO-yash) or goulash soup is one of the most traditional and loved meals in Hungary. However, this hearty soup with home made noodles is not the same dish that people around the world call goulash! While goulash is a delicious beef stew without 

Comforting easy carrot ragout

Comforting easy carrot ragout

This delicious creamy carrot ragout (in Hungarian – “sárgarépa főzelék”) has all you need for a fast, easy and comforting vegetarian dish. Carrots are the perfect winter superfood with multiple health benefits. They are awesome either fresh or cooked, and available all year long. Did you know that 

Unbeatable Hungarian beef stew recipe

Unbeatable Hungarian beef stew recipe

This classic Hungarian beef stew recipe is simple to make, it only needs a few everyday ingredients, and no matter when or for how many, it is going to be a hit and an all time favourite. But wait a single second – is this 

Easy Hungarian egg dumpling recipe (nokedli)

Easy Hungarian egg dumpling recipe (nokedli)

Nokedli, these delectable Hungarian egg noodles or dumplings make the perfect side dish. They need only a few everyday ingredients and are easy and super fast to make. These little dumplings (we call them nokedli or galushka) are very similar to the German spaetzle. They 

Refreshing Hungarian cucumber salad recipe

Refreshing Hungarian cucumber salad recipe

Hungarian cucumber salad is an extremely refreshing side-dish, which usually accompanies traditional main courses like chicken paprikash. It is served along with the main course and not before. In Hungary many meals with meat (or meat substitutes) are served with some pickles and/or a vinegary 

Light and easy chicken paprikash

Light and easy chicken paprikash

Have you been craving a delicious Hungarian chicken paprikash, but you don’t want a heavy stew with flour, sour cream and chicken skin? Do not look any further, this chicken stew is your recipe! It is so easy to make, uses a few everyday ingredients, 

Hearty lentil stew with a secret ingredient

Hearty lentil stew with a secret ingredient

We love lentils period! They are healthy & crazily delicious. Dried lentils can be stored for a very long time, once cooked they can be refrigerated for up to a week in an airtight container, or they could be frozen for up to six months. 

Superb savoy cabbage stew with caraway seeds

Superb savoy cabbage stew with caraway seeds

This savoy cabbage stew recipe is an old time favourite in our family. It only needs every day ingredients, easy to prepare and fast to make. Savoy cabbage has dark green, wrinkly leaves and a round head. It is delicious raw or cooked. It keeps 

Authentic Hungarian cauliflower soup

Authentic Hungarian cauliflower soup

This delicious cauliflower soup with homemade dumplings is very easy to make. When I do our weekly grocery shopping, I usually add a cauliflower to the list. It keeps fresh in the fridge for several days and it is extremely versatile. You can find tips